
Norto5 Philosophy

Our Early Years Curriculum provides a framework to ensure that each child receives the best quality care and education for every aspect of their development. This will be achieved through a combination of planned activities, learning through play and first hand experiences.

Early Years Foundation Stage (EYFS)

Like all other Ofsted regulated pre-schools and nurseries we closely follow the Early Years Foundation Stage or EYFS. The EYFS is a comprehensive statutory framework that sets the standards for the learning, development and care of children from birth to five. All providers are required to use the EYFS to ensure that whatever setting parents choose, they can be confident their child will receive the same quality, care, learning and development opportunities.

From birth to 5 years old all children at Norto5 follow our own Early Years Curriculum, the key principles of which are drawn from the Early Years Foundation Stage or EYFS, a distinct curriculum with defined learning objectives. This prepares the children for the work on the National Curriculum – Key Stage 1 at Primary School, and creates a secure foundation for later learning, both in school and beyond.

Developmental Stages

Most children should achieve the objectives laid out in the EYFS by the end of the reception year. However, a number of our children will achieve some goals by the time they leave pre-school. Our longer term objectives are to prepare children to be able to read a simple text, write simple sentences under pictures and write numerals correctly by the time they have completed their first year at school. 

However, our close observation of the children and accurate and individual record keeping helps us to monitor each child’s progress and provide an appropriate programme of play and activities for your child’s needs. We can then provide extra help for children who may need it, and provide new challenges for those who have already reached their goals.

Additional Needs Children

Children with Additional needs will find themselves a valued member of the community at  Norto5 academy. They follow the same curriculum, but with all the extra help they need to learn at their own pace. Other children in their group will be encouraged to help but not patronise them, and to be considerate without being over protective. Activities will be structured to allow them to be as fully involved as possible.